As I have promised you here is my Dream series. The tentative title is "Displacement of Dreams". I was working on this series and was inspired by the movie "Waking Life" You should all watch it, it is very good! It's very philosophical and discusses the reason for life and dreams and things of that nature. So my series was very loosely based on that film. The series can be read as a narrative. I hope you enjoy!

It seems that I am missing some images that I will add on tonight once I get to my house. I hope you enjoyed my series and I'm going to try to submit this to a gallery here in town. I also want to submit my "Judge me" series which I don't believe I have showed you. I will have to post those up here soon. It's off to the knitting room I go. Thanks so much for reading :)
I hope you get them in the gallery. That would be fantastic. They are great and really interesting!
ReplyDeleteOh, and you've inspired me to restart my blog. You rock.
Thanks emily!! I'm so glad I got you started on your blog!! Make sure to post pictures of the yarn your making!!