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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Cruise weekend

Rob and I just got back from a wonderful cruise vacation to the Bahama's with friends and family. It was a lot of fun and very relaxing! I did bring my camera to capture the wonder that is the Bahamas and as I go to take my first photo a message popped up "No SD card"....seriously? I brought my stinkin camera but no SD card, I had left it in my computer. Super lame. So the whole time I just took a ton of mental pictures. So no updated blog with tons of fun

Anyways now that we're back we've been hanging out with the family and tonight me, Rob, and Johnathan (our little nephew) will be cooking calzones! We're really excited about it. And I believe sometime next week (probably tuesday) we will be heading to good ol' Alabama to spend about a month with my side of the family. This summer has started off so great and will only get better I feel :) Although we have to stay on a strict budget until we get to Canada we will be just fine spending time with family and cooking and having a great time.

I must say that although we've struggled the past few months, I've never been happier. I love spending every day with my best friend (the hubby <3) and visiting his family and getting to visit my family. It's great to have a bigger family now that we're married. Makes for never a dull moment!!

Thanks so much for reading my blog. I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up with it I'll try my best to update throughout our Alabama and Canada adventures!

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