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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Second Day of Class

Right now I'm in the lab at my school working on some photos. I have a few ideas but today I just went and took pictures and I think it did me some good. I feel that I have so many ideas and I never execute as many as I want to. I took most of these photos in Union Station. That train station is amazing. These would be shown together as a triptych. Let me know what you think. Be brutally honest. I hope you enjoy :)

<3 Ashley


  1. That looks pretty cool. I'm guessing they're all digital? :)

    You might want to up the contrast just a tiny bit on the top two, like go into Photoshop and use your burn tool at maybe 20 percent and just accent the areas that are a little blown out, but not so much that it dampens the highlights. :)

  2. Thanks so much for the advice! I burned in the blown out areas and it looks better!
